Being voted best in the world (Lucca 1975) did wonders for Frank’s health and morale. The Yellow Kid perked him up, and he started to create a brand new story.

This first episode appeared in Dennis Gifford’s fanzine Ally Sloper, and as you can see, some of Frank’s fire, enthusiasm and humour had come back to him.

At the same time he was tempted to start a new version of Dan Dare and asked his favourite fan (Alan Vince) to safeguard his copies of all the old Eagles.

For reasons we don’t know Frank dropped the strip (it has to be said that - like Churchill - he suffered from the 'black-dog' depression). No other episode was drawn nor a storyline written, but it seems likely Admiral Crashman was skipper of a time and space ship, and we might have enjoyed a revel in ‘hyperspace.’

Note how careful Frank was to establish copyright of Dawn O’Dare belonged to him.

Click to enlarge
Coloured version by John Ridgway. Click to enlarge